Picture of Ghummaz Bhatti

Ghummaz Bhatti

Separation Anxieties: Managing a Mortgage After a Divorce

Divorce can be challenging enough without the financial complication because you have to deal with the emotions. Worst case scenario will be if there are kids involved. You need to help them through the trauma while handling your heartaches.

You might face another post-divorce dilemma if you get through the emotional roller coaster: a mortgage. You might have to sell your current home if it is in both of your names or refinance it as a part of the divorce agreement. But if you are not making enough money to cover the bills, how will you pay for the divorce attorney?

If these daunt you, you should simply take a breather and read this blog carefully. We have tapped into the prowess of seasoned mortgage brokers in Ottawa to help you through this crisis.   

Talk about It

Your mortgage agent will encourage you to talk things over. You have to determine what each party wants. 

You may be tempted to tell your former partner to take off, but it is not that simple. Your ex-spouse might not have enough money for a down payment. With this said, you might have to work side by side with your former spouse in determining the path forward. It is certainly not an easy job, but it is undoubtedly possible with the help of an intermediary.

You also need to determine the value of the property. In this step, you need the help of an appraiser or a realtor. They can tell you how much the property is worth at the divorce.

Options for Handling the Mortgage

Your mortgage agent can offer you a few options. Think of them as life vests in a turbulent ocean of divorce. Here are some:

Sell Your Home

You can sell your house. As mentioned earlier, your home is probably the most valuable asset. It can fetch a reasonable price. The mental stress alone is worth it.  

However, you need to be creative in terms of selling it. You do not have to go the traditional route of a realtor. You can look for buyers online. If you have to sell it for whatever price you can get, you might have to wait for some time because it is no longer a seller’s market


You might be astounded that you can still avail a refinance, but you still can. It would be best if you simply asked your mortgage agent. To qualify for refinancing, you need to meet the credit requirements of your lender. 

Kindly note that this choice is only available if you can afford the mortgage payment yourself. If you are unsure, you might have to go for a short sale. Remember that refinancing your mortgage has one significant upside: you can keep your house.

Refinancing may be an option after all. You would need to talk to a mortgage agent to see if you are qualified for this. 


You do not have to go through this alone. Your mortgage professional can guide you on this path. They can help you understand your options and decide which one best fits your situation. Do not be afraid to ask.

If you are going through this type of change, you should contact Ottawa Mortgage Services. As a mortgage agent in Ottawa, I can help you through this tricky monetary dilemma. You simply have to consult me, so contact me now for more information!

Contact Ottawa Mortgage Services to learn more

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